Flower Power in Year 1

Year 1 have had a great start to our new project, ‘Flower Power’. We have started exploring our school grounds looking for flowers and seeing if we can name any. The children had great fun creating their own flower inspired artwork using paper, collage, paint and pencils. Please see the attached ‘Knowledge Organiser’ and ‘Topic Web’, at the end of this post, for further details about what the children can expect throughout the project and about their learning.

In maths this week we have been exploring our numbers to 100, continuing to practice counting in 1s forwards and backwards. The children have been ordering their numbers and comparing them, talking about which is greater or smaller and why. We are going to now start using our knowledge of numbers to help us find one more or less than a number and also start thinking about the value of our different coins. Maybe you could explore money with your child at home and see if you can make different totals with 1p, 2p,5p and 10p coins.

Reading and Numbots Challenge: Thank you for all your support with the children’s reading challenge last half-term. The children loved doing it and so we are continuing with it this half-term, where the children can receive a sticker and RP for reading at least four times each week. We have also started a Numbots challenge, where we are challenging the children to login to Numbots and play for 20 minutes over the week. If they achieve this, they will receive a maths sticker and RP. Please contact us if you have forgotten your login details.

Thank you for all the support you are giving your children with their learning. If you have any concerns or questions, then please remember to contact us on Year1@stmarksce.org.uk

Year 1 Team

2021 Year 1 Flower Power knowledge organiser

2021 Year 1 Flower Power Topic Web