Year 1 get CREATIVE!

Year 1 have had great fun being creative in their RE learning and in their art this week. In RE, the children have been learning about the concept of ‘Creation’, where they have thought about how the world around us has been created. They have thought about how special everything is and how we need to look after it. They have learnt about the ‘Story of Creation’ from the Bible and recreated this story through artwork.

The children have also learnt to use the program, ‘sketchpad’ on the computers. They have explored how to use the mouse to use ‘drag and drop’ skills in order to help them create different pictures. They enjoyed creating their own nature picture ready for a mini-beast, which they made from felt.

Continuing with the creativity theme, the children have also been learning to sew at school. They have learnt to sew using a running stitch and also an over-stitch. They then designed their own mini bags to carry some seeds in. The children loved making their bags and they are really excited to bring them home with them next week to show you.

Request: As we near the end of term, could we please ask you to send two carrier bags into school with your child so they can safely bring all their artwork and books home.

Thank you for all your continued support.

Year 1 Team

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