School Meals & Menus

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From September 2022, we’re exicted to being using Pabulum as our catering company – click here for more info!

Meals for children in Year R, 1 and 2 are free. This is provided by the government as part of ‘Universal Infant Free School School Meals’. Find out more here. When children go into Year 3, meals are chargeable at the cost of £2.80/day. This can be paid online.

You could be entitled to Free School Meals – click here to check!

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Week 1

V – Suitable for vegetarians
Ve – Suitable for vegans & vegetarians
All products are subject to availability.

Pabulum Salad Bar

Children can help themselves to an unlimited selection of freshly prepared healthy salads. Our new salad bar features all of the children’s favourites, is completely free of the 14 recognised allergens, is suitable for vegetarians and vegans and packed full of fibre and nutrients.


Moving to KS2 in September?

A reminder for Year 2 parents… at present, your child can have meals for free because the government pays for them (Universal Infant Free School Meals). This however stops when they begin Year 3. Meals then cost £2.60- and will be under our amazing new catering service provided by Pabulum!