Top Ten Tips – Getting Your Children to School on Time

Welcome back and I hope that you had a lovely summer break.  It’s at this time of year when it is hard to get back into a routine so I wanted to list some top tips to hopefully help.

  1.  Establish a good bedtime routine.  Everyone needs a good nights sleep to function effectively the next day.
  2. Try to be as prepared as possible for the next day.  Get your children to pack their bag, find their water bottle and put things that don’t need refrigeration, in their lunch boxes.  Leave these things in a sensible place ready to pick up in the morning.
  3. Keep a list displayed where the children can see what they need for each day.  Encourage them to check it for themselves.
  4. Keep a tray or folder for all of the school letters.  This will remind you all what needs to be handed in.
  5. Some children need time to wake up slowly (just like us adults!).  Try setting an alarm clock 20-30 minutes before you want them to get up.  Set another to go off at 10 minute intervals.  We all love to snooze!  :)
  6. Try keeping uniform all in one place, a box or a drawer so it can always be found.  As it’s getting colder, put some of it on the radiator so it’s nice and warm on those cold mornings.
  7. Allow some negotiation, or limited choice, of what is eaten for breakfast; this will reduce the time spent arguing instead of eating.  Have these discussions when you are not in a rush!
  8. Have a check list or visual pictures of what needs to be done before leaving for school.  List them in order so they can progress through it.  Give stickers or small incentives for success.
  9. Set realistic goals that have a reward to speed up the process e.g. get dressed before you have breakfast, no TV or electronics until breakfast is eaten.
  10. Leave in enough time to get to school on time.  When we rush, it can get us flustered or stressed.  Allow extra time in the winter months for defrosting the car or walking on icy pavements.

If you are struggling with routines or finding it hard to get your child/children to school on time, please come and have a chat with us in the Pastoral Care Team.  We will always try to help.