Year 4 Anglo-Saxons Art and History
The children have continued to embed themselves into our Anglo-Saxons project. They have been learning lots of new things. Why don’t you ask them some of these questions and see what they can remember:
- Name one Monk that wrote about the Anglo-Saxons. Godfrey/ George/ Barry/ Bede
- What is a pagan?
- How do the days of the week link to the Anglo-Saxons?
- Who converted to Christianity first?
- What did the rest of the Anglo-Saxons do? Why?

In art, the children found out thatAnglo-Saxon brooches were know as dalc or spennels. They were often found in pairs and used to fasten dresses or cloaks. Thank you for sending in lids, the children loved making their own brooches.

Can you guess who these runes belong to?