Year 1 – Thursday 19th March

Dear Parents,

We hope you are doing well. Please do not feel like you have to complete all of the activities provided in one day. Anything you can do is fantastic! Please remember to check the ‘other activities’ section of this post as there is sometimes new information here. We are still checking this email account regularly and have enjoyed seeing all of the lovely work that children have emailed in already. Please do not feel like you have to send us anything you are doing but feel free to continue contacting us at:

English Activity: We have been learning about Mrs Armitage on Wheels. If you have a copy then you could read it or listen to the story using our video (not linked on this post but there will be a post shortly with this). At the end, her bike collapses, can you think about what other mode of transport she could have instead? Draw a picture and label the different parts of the vehicle. Can you write a sentence using ‘because’ to explain why she should have this vehicle?


Maths Activity 19/3/20: This activity focuses on counting in 10’s. There is a sheet available for children to complete where possible. If not, we encourage you to spend time practising counting in 10’s to 100 with your child. This could be verbally, part of a song, jumping while counting, writing the numbers down, or counting objects around the house in groups of 10 (10 toes, 10 fingers or 10p coins are great for this!). Click Here:Count in 10’s 19th March

Topic Activities:

  • Music: Practise some songs that they know and use some things around the house to keep a steady beat.
  • Art: Use google to research our ‘Artist of the Moment’: Benedict Blaythwayt (Little Red Train). You could read the story here at home if you have it or watch the video HERE. Use the slides provided and practise your sketching skills to sketch your own little red train picture: Thurs 19th March – Art 


Other daily activities you could be doing:

  • Read for at least 20 minutes a day. This can be their school reading book or a book from home.
  • Have stories read to them
  • Practise naming the letters of the alphabet and sing the alphabet song (capital and lower case)
  • Threading/Play dough/Cutting/Colouring/Painting
  • Phonicsplay Obb and Bob (Click: Phase 5 – Revise all Phase 5):
  • Phonicsbloom – Phase 5 or 6 (Especially useful if phonicsplay is not working for you)
  • Practise writing sentences about a story they know. When writing, please remind them to use full stops, capital letters, neat handwriting and finger spaces.


  • Practise counting from 0-100 (forwards and backwards)
  • Practise counting in 2’s and 5’s
  • Numbots (login is in the back of the reading log)
  • Name some 2D and 3D shapes
  • One more and one less than a number
  • Sing a number bonds song
  • Hit the button (number bonds to 20):



Spelling: Their spellings this week are:







Your child can practise these in a variety of ways:

  • Saying them aloud (you could put them into a song)
  • Writing them down
  • Painting them
  • Put them into a sentence

Thank you again for your support and cooperation during this time.

Year 1 Team