Year R Newsletter

We hope that you all enjoyed a fun, yet restful Half Term. The children came back very well and were all very excited to see each other and share their adventures with us, including their Autumn Walks! 

We enjoyed the opportunity to meet virtually with some of you before the Half Term holiday to share and celebrate your child’s successes since starting school, and are looking forward to chatting with the rest of you this week and next week.

After we have met with you please can we remind you to add a comment to the Tapestry post we sent out before your meeting? This was the post containing photos of your child’s work, and their responses to our questions. If you have your meeting next Wednesday 11th November we will send this out next week. 

Here is the Newsletter for this Half term: Year R newsletter Autumn 2 2020

As always, please do speak to us in person or send us an email if you have a question.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year R Team.