Year 2 – Our Trip- An Adventure we never expected!

On Friday, we had a wonderful trip to Hillier Gardens. The children behaved impeccably and the Hillier staff commented on how wonderful they were and said what a relaxed and lovely day they had with our children. YEar
We learnt so much and experienced a range of habitats through a range of activities including: pond dipping, nature walks, meadow sweeping and even made our own homes for little animals. We thank all of the Hillier staff, school staff and parent helpers who made the trip possible. 
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We thought the trip was over as we climbed onto the bus for our return trip home, but unfortunately were thrust onto another adventure when the coach broke down. For many children this was probably the highlight of the day! A little less so for the staff! The children again did us proud and were amazing in our unexpected circumstances. We were lucky to manage to get to a place of safety quickly – the garden of a pub, The White Horse, in Ampfield, where the generous and helpful owners John and Gaye Armstrong kindly allowed us to take refuge in their gardens and provided drinks for the adults and children (as well as letting many children use the toilets). We are so grateful for their kindness and support in what was a challenging situation. The children will be writing their own letters of thanks this week. 

We would also like to thank all of the fantastic parent helpers and staff who were brilliant in keeping the everyone safe and calm, the staff beavering away back at school and to all of the parents who were waiting patiently for the children to return. It was an adventure we weren’t expecting but it will certainly be one that we never forget! 
As a reward for their super behaviour, we will have a fun afternoon in school this week for Year 2, so this will be something extra for the children to look forward to! Our adventure will also add some extra interest and excitement to the recounts that we will be writing too! 
We hope to have a fun, but hopefully slightly less adventurous week. 
The Year 2 Team