An amazing first term in Year 1

We’ve had a great time in Year 1 learning all about our ‘sensational senses’. The children have learnt about their 5 senses and the different body parts linked to them. In English, we have written senses poetry, exploring what we can see, hear and smell. We have also written our own versions of the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’. The term ended in our fabulous art gallery, where the children exhibited all their artwork. Thank you to everyone who came along – the children loved sharing all their learning with you.

Next term, our new project is ‘Polar Explorers’. As part of this, we would like to invite your child to dress up for the day as an explorer. Our dress up day will be Tuesday 1st November. Please do not feel that you need to buy anything new for this day, as winter clothing will be good enough so dig out your woollies! Your child could wear clothing such as; tracksuit bottoms or jeans, a jumper or fleece and possibly bring a hat and scarf.

Thank you for all your support this term. Have a lovely half term with your family.

Year 1 Team