Year 6 – Tuesday 17th March

Good Afternoon Year 6 children who were unable to attend school today! First of all, we hope you are all well and staying happy and healthy at home. It’s certainly strange being at school without lots of you. 

Secondly, we apologise for such a late post. We have all been busy teaching this morning – we promise that from tomorrow, your daily update will appear first thing in the morning. 

Each day, we will be giving you some home learning activities to complete. We will be asking to see these, either on your return to school, or your parents might even be able to send us a photo! Therefore, like your normal school work, we expect these to be completed neatly, remembering to take pride in your presentation. We understand some of you may not have all the equipment you usually would have at school. As long as you have a pencil or pen, a ruler (or something that can act as a ruler!) and pieces of paper, we know your work will be wonderful! On each piece of work, please try to remember to write the date and title that we provide. 

The learning that we set you will be closely linked to what we have been doing in class. Use the powerpoints and sheets uploaded here as a starting point. You don’t have to print them off to complete them. If you want to, then please do, but don’t feel like you have to. If the task is something very new, we will provide you with a ‘mini input’ to help your learning. You might even be lucky and get a video of one of us modelling how to complete it! 

You can decide when you would like to complete the work. We suggest you follow a similiar routine to school as that is what you’re used to. Please make sure you give yourself breaks, eat breakfast and lunch to keep you going, and you might even be able to help your parents around the house too! 

Parents – today, we have sent home the children’s CGP books with any children who attended school. If you would like to pop in to school and collect your child’s CGP books, please feel free (provided you are not self-isolating of course). Some days, we will be setting pages of these for revision. We DO NOT want the children to complete these books freely – only if we set them for extra work! We suggest for those children attending school as normal, they keep their CGP books in their bags every day as we will still be using these in school too. 

Children – We’re here to help! You can contact one of the Year 6 teachers to ask questions, or say hello, by using the email . Make sure you get parental permission first before sending us any emails. We will check this account often and look forward to hearing from you and maybe even seeing photos of your work. 

Let’s get started with today’s learning tasks – you have today and tomorrow to do these so don’t panic!

Early Morning Work – Grammar activity 



Additional tasks : Reading, TT Rockstars etc. 


Tuesday 17th March Powerpoint

Tuesday17thMarch 6S and 6C Maths


Have a wonderful day!

Year 6 Teachers