Year 2: A few Updates

We have had another brilliant week in Year 2. We just wanted to update you with a few reminders: 

  • Non-uniform & PE Day On Friday 2nd October, we have a whole school non-uniform day for FOSM. They have asked that the children wear a colour from the rainbow. Despite this being our PE day, we are encouraging children to take part. We just ask that whatever rainbow colour(s) they choose to wear, that their clothes are also suitable for our outdoor PE lesson. This could be colourful leggings/jogging bottoms, t-shirts, sweatshirts etc. Please make sure they are not clothes that you would be worried about getting a little bit of mud or dirt on; as the weather forecast is not so good for the end of the week! 
  • Spellings are issued every Monday and will be available on Google Classroom (2R, 2BT, 2B). We practise these in class but we also ask that children practise these at home too. Children will be tested on these spellings each Friday. 
  • Homework will include reading at home on a daily basis, daily spellings, and Maths homework which will also include Numbots. Login details for this will be sent home in homework books next week. These books are to be kept at home so that you will always have the login details that you need. We also ask that homework is kept at home to avoid the passage of paper between school and home. Where work is uploaded to Google Classroom we will also provide an answer sheet so that your child can check their answers. 
  • Reading Folders These came home last week and need to come into school each day with only the child’s reading books in them. 
  • Reading Books  Reading books will be changed at least once per week. Unfortunately due to quarantine rules, we are unable to change books more frequently than this. We do encourage you to read other books that you have at home, with, and to, your child. Daily reading is extremely important. We will aim to send home a banded Oxford Reading Tree Book, a banded Big Cat Book and a Library Book each week. Library books can be kept at home and brought back in on the day requested by your class teacher. We will put this information on your Google Classroom class page in the ‘stream’. 
  • Year 2 Google Classroom Many of you will have noticed that we are uploading work to the Year 2 Google Classroom daily. This work is for children who may need to self isolate with other family members and only needs completing if this applies to your child. If your child has been at school, they do NOT need to complete this work. 
  • Emails Please feel free to contact us via our year group email address This is the best way to contact us as chats at the door are more tricky with our staggered drop offs and pick ups and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. We will get back to your emails as quickly as possible. This may be the end of the school day as we are in class with the children. 

Thank you as always for your support. We hope you will be able to make our ‘Key Messages’ meeting on Monday 5th October at 5pm. 


The Year 2 Team