Dear parents and carers,
We are providing a daily drop-off of a school-provided packed lunch for each child in your family who is entitled to Free School Meals (FSM). There is no charge for this service, or for the lunch.
You will have received a text from the school confirming that your are entitled to this for this link. (If you complete the form but are not entitled to FSM according to our records, then no meal will be delivered.)
This form needs to be completed once; packed lunches will continue to be delivered each day around lunch time until otherwise noted. You do not need to do it each day.
Should the school completely close, or HC3S are unable to run their catering service, then we will be unable to provide these lunches, and we will look into alternatives, although no guarantee can be made.
If at any time you wish to cancel this service, then please email the school office as soon as possible –
Unfortunately HC3S are unable to cater for any allergies. If your child has allergies, we are sorry to say that we cannot offer this to you.
Packed lunch drop-offs will start on Thursday 26th March, and be weekdays only.
Obviously they will not be delivered if your child is in school!
What will be provided?
- A sandwich (either meat or vegetarian) – you can only choose this option once (all subsequent sandwiches will be the same).
- Vegetable batons
- Piece of fruit
- Dessert of the day
… all with a smile, and at a distance! Please don’t be offended that we are keeping our distance.
Please email if you have any questions.
Thank you.