Year 2 – Monday 4th May 2020

Good Morning Year 2 

Hello Year 2,

We hope you are all well and have had a good weekend! Make sure you have had a good breakfast before you start today’s learning, and that you make some time to get outside today for some exercise. We hope you enjoy today’s tasks.


Have a great day!

The Year 2 Team


This week, we are going to be starting our new Geography topic. This topic will help us to think about the world in which we live, considering our local area, and areas further afield. Are you coming on our adventure around the world?

Today, we are going to be starting by having a think about the names of the different oceans and continents that make up our very special planet! 

You have 3 tasks to do: 

Task 1: Read the flipchart below and the label the continents onto your map

Task 2: Watch the BBC clip and add the oceans onto the map

Task 3: Complete the reading comprehension to learn about each continent and answer the questions: Pick your level of challenge. 


Today in maths, we are going to be starting a new topic on addition and subtraction. We have previously covered addition and subtraction in Year 2, meaning some of this content will be familiar to your child, and will allow them to revise and consolidate what they already know.

As previously suggested within other maths topics, the use of concrete resources can be really valuable in helping your child to understand a concept, and visually see the process, as well as engaging them. Concrete resources such as toys or pencils can be easily used within addition and subtraction to add one group of toys to another, before counting the total number of toys, or taking one group of toys away from the other, counting how many toys you have left.

As with the other maths lessons shared, there is a video to help explore this concept, as well as an activity sheet to complete. You can then check your answers using the answer sheet provided. Please click on the first link below to access the White Rose page, before completing ‘Lesson ‘ in ‘Summer Term – Week ‘. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this. Good luck!

Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 1

Year 2 – Summer Week 3 – Lesson 1 Answer sheet


Today we have three different optional activities for you to complete. You don’t have to do them all, just pick your favourite. 


  1. Can you draw one of the animals from one of the continents?  You could even do some research and make a fact card about your favourite animal if you’d like to.
  2. You can play the ‘Pirate Bunnies- World Adventures’ game on the BBC home learning website: Pirate Bunnies
  3. Can you make a flower with the things you can find in your house or garden, and label each part? Be really creative about what you use to make your flower. Perhaps you can use things from your recycling bag or maybe you can use some sticks or grass from your garden. You can use the pictures below to give you come inspiration. Have fun!














Video Resources

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Bye for now!