Dear parents and carers of Year 6 children
Good news! We now have capacity within our school to bring back almost all Year 6 children from Wednesday 1st July until Friday 17th July, albeit with some limitations. We have wanted to do this earlier, but just haven’t had the capacity to do it. We hope it gives a positive-as-possible end to a very unusual year.
This opportunity has been made possible due to a change in circumstances which mean we have increased our staffing capacity. We have also managed to support the other year groups in ways that make running them more manageable.
In summary, the key points are:
- You must complete this online form here to secure your child’s place by Monday 29th June at 12pm. Please do so earlier if possible!
- Three new adults will be brought in to run three extra bubbles, and we will have no more staff available! They are Mrs Rosso, Miss Jamieson and Mrs Greer. Whilst we appreciate that the Year 6 children would love to be with their own teachers, I’m afraid this just isn’t possible because of the restrictions in place. This is similar for other children in the school, who aren’t with their class teacher. However, we do hope children will enjoy being back in school with some of their peers, and at least seeing their usual teacher around.
- The children will be in school between 8:20am and 12:30pm each day (ie a shortened day). Again, this is due to a limited staffing capacity and still needing to support other year groups in the afternoons.
- The children should enter the school at staggered times, which are between 8:20am and 9am in the mornings, and 12-12:30pm in the afternoon. You will be given an allocated drop-off/collection time. A trusted adult will need to bring the children to school each day, and also collect them; they are not allowed to arrive/leave alone because of social distancing requirements. In the morning, please enter via the KS1 gate and exit via the KS2 gate, as there is a 1-way system in place. However, for collection from 12pm, please collect them on foot from the car park gate by Year 6, and leave by the usual KS2 gate. We will give you further details on this arrangement.
- The children will have lunch at home, not at school. They should bring a snack and water bottle to school each day.
- The Y6 teachers will allocate the children to bubbles, based on their knowledge of friendships and also their original classes. So although there wouldn’t be a choice from the children, we will do these as best as possible, keeping to original classes.
- The Y6 events like the pincic and bingo sessions will still go ahead.
- The children in the new bubbles will be doing the same work as the current Year 6 bubbles.
- Suncream and sun hat are essential, and must be applied before coming in.
- Breakfast Club and After School Club are not available.
- We will be in touch with the full details once your place is confirmed, but hopefully the above information gives you a flavour.
We hope this is a positive opportunity for your child, and whilst we understand that not all children will be able to return, we do hope to see as many as possible.
Best wishes, Mr Applegate and the Year 6 Team.