Latest Newsletter, including video with key messages, PE days and more.


Message from Mr Applegate

What a week! Thank you so much for your support this week. It’s been AMAZING to see the children back together, and our community back together.  The children have been so good at learning the new ways of school, and there is a very calm atmosphere across the school. They’ve shown teamwork in abundance!

A huge thanks to the parents who were able to give their time last Saturday to help with our grounds clean-up and opening preparation. And our course to those who responded to our emergency plumbing issue. Kyla’s dad in Year R was able to solve the problem! Thank you.

This week, our children are thinking about ‘GENEROSITY’ – not from a financial point of view, but with what we all can give- love and care. How can we be generous with others who we feel may not deserve our love and care? How can we show grace to each other, even when they have annoyed us? We’re learning to have a generous spirit with everyone, no matter what. Powerful, and life changing!

Finally, just to confirm that we have had no positive cases of Covid-19; we will inform you appropriately if this changes.

Have a good week, Mr Applegate


  1. Showing symptoms? Don’t come in – the whole family/household should self-isolate.
  2. Watch the video!
  3. Complete this form by Friday 18th Sept to let us know of collection arrangements. One per child!
  4. If you would like to send your child in with their own named hand sanitizer, that would be great.
  5. Let us know immediately if your child should not be using hand sanitizer.
  6. Remember to socially distance at the classroom door!

Youtube Video – Key messages from Week 1, including Covid Update

Clarification – If you don’t have symptoms, the government says you should not apply for a test; however, you still need to self-isolate if a person in the household (e.g. family member) has symptoms.

PE Days – Starts this week apart from Year R

Year R – Monday (starting 5th Oct, not 28th!)

Year 1 – 1C – Thursday     – 1P, 1J Friday

Year 2 – Friday

Year 3 – Thursday

Year 4 – Wednesday

Year 5 – Tuesday

Year 6 – Wednesday

New School Menu blank

Click here to find out the new school menu ( a change from the previously advertised one).

The school’s budget

I wanted to share with you that we are beginning to struggle financially. Pre-Covid, we were just in credit, but only just. COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on all schools – perhaps especially St Mark’s because of our size. The government has not given schools any extra money for any of the additional provision. Extra staffing, paper towels, cleaning supplies, paint, signage, soap, class resources, pencil cases, safety equipment, and more – it just adds up to a lot! Tens of thousands. Since March, we have had to pay out a significant amount – and it’s likely to continue until next summer.

I’ll be sharing more on this next week, but it’s a heads up. I know it is tough for everyone, too.

Music Lessons

Please check your junk/spam folder as it seems that some of the emails about peripetetic music lessons for KS2 have gone in there!

What is your child learning this term?

Read the following for your child’s year group to find out more! It includes information about homework, reading, general expectations and more. The Knowledge Organiser helps you to know the knowledge the children should be learning for their project. Test them and see how they are getting on!


Friends of St Mark’s (FOSM) AGM

blankOur FOSM team (PTA) work incredibly hard for our school. We run an AGM, which is a public meeting for all parents/carers to share ideas, discuss events, and see how St Mark’s can be supported financially. It also strengthen’s our community, too! Please do join us online!

Date: Tuesday 13th October, 7:30pm. Online only. The Zoom link is here.

FOSM is now a registered charity – can your business help us in anyway?

Amazon Smile! Raise school funds whilst you shop!

blankRaise money for FOSM (St Mark’s PTA) every time you shop through Amazon!

AmazonSmile through a browser:

  • Add FOSM to Amazon Smile by clicking this link or manually search “Friends Of St Mark’S, Hatch Warren” as the chosen charity.

AmazonSmile through the app:

  • Just turn on AmazonSmile. Find “AmazonSmile” listed in the Settings menu. Use “Friends Of St Mark’S, Hatch Warren” as the chosen charity.

Find out more here!

Flu Immunisation

Just a reminder that our Flu Immunisation Programme will take place on Thursday 12th November for all year groups. E-consent forms will follow soon.


Breakfast Club

If your child has a place at Breakfast Club, please note doors will be closed at 8.25am prompt. This is to enable us to escort the children to their classrooms with minimal contact with other parents and children arriving at school.

If you arrive after this time, please use the gates for your child’s year group, following our one way system.  Thank you.


Bikes and Scooters

We’ve had a few questions about if it’s ok to bring scooters and bikes to school. Yes, it’s fine – please remember to wear helmets and walk the bike/scooter as soon as you are through the gates (if not before!).

Star Learners Last Week!

Well done to:

  • Year 1: George S, Maya, Florence
  • Year 2: Tomasz, Annabelle, Cameron
  • Year 3: Millie, Renee, Alfie
  • Year 4: Liam M, Matheus, Ronnie
  • Year 5: Poppy, Ben H, Hollie
  • Year 6: Jack B, Edward M, Summer, Nevaya

Book bags? Where are they?

We’ve had a delivery issue, but these should arrive this week. Remember, these aren’t really a replacement school bag, but for books that will begin to go home and back. We are trying to limit areas of contact and cleaning, so have said no back packs.

Online Payments only – No cash

Just a reminder that we are now cashless and no longer able to accept cash and cheque payments. In order to pay for school lunches, breakfast club etc you will need to use Tucasi, our online payment system, by registering with a pupil link code specific to your child. 

You should have received an email with your code if you were not already registered.



Unfortunately, we have received a call from a resident in Lapin Lane asking us to remind parents to be considerate when taking their children to and from school. Please do not block driveways or park where it is awkward tor residents to move their cars. Thank you for your co-operation :-) 


blankYou may have heard of some very distressing videos going around on TikTok, particularly in relation to suicide. Despite being an app for 13+, we know children will be allowed to use it. There is some excellent advice here on using it more safely. We strongly recommend (1) not letting your child use it, or (2) ensuring you have safety settings on if you decide to.

Remember, once something is seen, it is difficult to un-see it.


Changes to the school menu

Please note our school menu is changing from Monday 14th September:


Year 6 PGL Windmill Hill Trip

I’m very sorry to say that it’s extremely unlikely that we will be going to PGL this year. If the R rate is 1-1.2 now, what will it be in 6 weeks time?

Current government guidance is that overnight trips should not happen. See ‘Educational Visits’ section of this page. Unfortunately, perhaps, they stop short of shutting down the PGL centres and other residential venues, meaning that we are in a middle situation: we cannot cancel the trip officially as we would lose all the money, but we would be going against government guidance to attend.

We are working with our insurance company and Hampshire legal team to see what options we have. Should it not go ahead, we would of course refund what has been paid by parents. Please be aware though that we as a school would still be liable for what has already been paid to PGL. This is about £8,000 – more than the £40 deposit paid by each child. So the school would be significantly out of pocket. PGL are not wanting to give a full refund. Not a nice situation or anyone, most of all our Year 6 pupils who are highly likely to miss out on this amazing experience.

One option is to delay the trip until next year, however we would be in exactly the same situation, if a vaccine isn’t found by then. We are keeping this option open.

We will continue to keep you posted.

Year 6 – secondary school applications – don’t miss it!

Hampshire applications must be submitted by 31st October.

Click here for more information.

Online Forms

  • Absence Request form – going to be absent (e.g. wedding, funeral, holiday etc)? Use this form
  • Pupil Premium Form – have your work/benefit circumstances changed? Complete this form so we can check if your child is elligible for free school meals and other support at school.
  • Getting Home Arrangements – tell us how your child gets home each day.
  • Mobile Phone Request – for older children needing to bring a phone to school

Email and Contact Details

blankIf you don’t receive the school newsletter and year group emails via email, you can sign up here!

Remember, if you change your contact details, please let the office know here.

Get in touch with us