Clay fun in Year 1!

Over the last couple of weeks we have been enjoying learning all about clay. We have explored rolling and making different shapes with it and have created our own snails and snowmen using the clay. 

We have also loved learning all about Herman and his letters to his friend Henry. The children enjoyed making predictions about what they thought would happen next in the story and how the characters were feeling throughout. We have also enjoyed learning our actions for all the songs in ‘Hey Ewe’, our Christmas play and we look forward to sharing it with you all soon.

As the weather is getting colder, please can we remind you to send your child in with an appropriate coat and ensure that any gloves, hats and scarves are named clearly. Also, can we remind you that tomorrow is the last day for Christmas cards to be brought into school before they are quarantined.

For any questions or queries please email the Year 1 team on

Thank you for all your support with your child’s learning.

Year 1 Team