Roman Workshop

Hello Parents/ Guardians of Year 3 children,
We hope the children came home yesterday and shared the news that we will be learning about the Rotten Romans this term. Have they told you some of the ‘did you know’ facts that we learnt? If not do ask them.
On Monday 26th June, we will be having a special workshop where the children will learn so much more, including handling artefacts, Roman Quizzes and even a gladiator tourament all led by a real Roman!
We would like the children to really experience the Roman life style and dress up for this workshop. They could be a Roman Soldier, Roman Slave or be a rich lady or Empress. If you know a Year 4 parent do ask if they have any costumes they could share as they recently also had a Roman dress up Day.
Please remember to contribute towards this workshop on scopay.
Thank you,
Year 3 teachers