Watch our storytime Youtube videos here!
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You can use the drop-down menu in the corner to watch any of your favourite stories.
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We hope you are well and are keeping busy with lots of fun activities. Keep sending your emails in as we love hearing what you have been up to. If you’re looking for something extra to do today, see if you can do some yoga with Cosmic Kids. Here is a link to a yoga demonstration themed around Colonel Crockles the Crocodile: Cosmic Kids – Colonel Crockles the Crocodile
Thank you for everything you are doing.
Year 1 Team
Then have a look at these slides to find out about the parts and where they go: Labelling a Flower
Now have a go at this activity. Where are each of the 4 parts on the plant? Can you label them? Find it here: Labelling a Flower Activity
If you would like to continue your learning, you could go into the garden and see if you can spot the 4 parts we have learnt about on a flower you find.
leaf |
stem |
petal |
root |
Today we are going to be having a look at finding half. Have a quick chat with someone in your house. What is half? Have you ever had half of an apple, cupcake, orange or biscuit? If you have, then you know your apple, biscuit, cupcake or orange was cut down the middle into two equal pieces!
What does equal mean?……. It means the same!
Today we are going to have a go at finding half of objects. Have a look at the slides here: Finding Half of a Shape
After you have looked at the slides have a go at the activity! Can you sort the shapes? Which shapes have been cut in half? Find it here: Finding Half – Maths Activity
Dear parents and children,
We hope you are well and have had a lovely weekend. Have you had a look outside today? What is the weather like? We hope there are lots of flowers around for you to look at!
If you’re looking for something extra to do today, log on to Scholastic Reading and choose a book to read. Your teacher has allocated a book for you so you could have a go at that one! You will have been emailed the login details for this previously.
Thank you for your support.
Year 1 Team
Today we are continuing to learn about finding half of an amount. Have a chat with someone at home about what you learnt last week. What is the sentence we remembered?
‘A half is a whole split into two equal parts.’
Last week we looked at sharing a group of objects into two equal groups in order to find half. Today we are going to look at how to find half of an amount using a boxes. Use the slides to talk through this with someone at home: Maths – Finding half of an amount using squares
Have a go at the activity here: Finding Half of Amounts Activity
Today we are focusing on our spelling words for the week. The words we are looking at this week are:
could |
time |
took |
away |
over |
make |
Computing: Today we are thinking about all the tips we have learnt for staying safe online.
Talk to someone at home about what you use the internet for. Can you remember any tips for staying safe online?
Have a look at the posters linked here for examples:
Choose one of the tips you know for staying safe and design your own e-safety poster with a tip and an illustration to remind everyone at home how to be safe on the internet. Be as creative as you wish.
We would love to see some of your posters if you are able to take a picture and email it to us!
We are still checking our emails regularly and have loved seeing what you are doing. Feel free to email us if you have a question or just want to say hello at:
You can access our general resources to support your child at home here: Y1 General Resources
BBC Bitesize are providing daily lessons for children on their website. There is no expectation to do these but we may refer to some of their activities in our home learning. You may also find that they have something your child is interested in and would like to learn about. Find the link here: BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons
Please do not feel like you have to complete all of the activities provided in one day. We have given a variety so that there are options for you to choose what works best for you at home. The ‘Daily Time Fillers’ section includes some additional activities you could have a go at if you get time but we would not expect you to do more than one of these activities a day.
Read Write Inc are kindly doing live daily phonics sessions. They are at certain times depending on which sounds you would like to practise. We suggest either Set 2 or Set 3 sounds. Find the link here: RWI Phonics
As well as the learning tasks we upload each day, there are a few ‘extras’ that you could have a go at, if you get time.
We hope you are keeping safe and well. What has been your favourite activity at home so far? We have loved seeing all the different things you have sent us over email and we are so impressed with all the hard work we are seeing. As Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday, we will not be posting tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Jamieson would like to read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ to you today! Find it in our ‘Storytime’ section on our home page. How many different pairs of underpants can you spot in the story?
Thank you for everything you are doing.
Year 1 Team
Today we want you to be a sentence expert! Can you remind someone at home what a sentence is? Take a look at these slides and talk through what a sentence needs to have: Sentences Slides
Then have a go at this activity: English – Thursday 7th May
Finding Half of an Amount:
Today we are going to be carrying on finding half. Can you remember what half means? ‘A half is a whole split into two equal parts.’ Today we are going to be having a go at finding half of an amount. Have a look at the slides here.
After you have looked at the slides have a go at the activity! You can print a halving grid here: Halving Grid
Can you find half of your toy cars? Can you find half of your teddies? Can you find half of your lego bricks? Remember to make sure the parts are equal!
While doing your activity have a go at saying the sentence. ‘Half of ___ is ___.’ What can you find out? Can every number be split in half?
If you would like to continue your learning, have a go at this activity sheet: Finding Half of Amounts – Activity
For those that would like them, you can find challenges here: Finding Half of Amounts – Challenges
Music: This activity requires you to play an MP3 audio clip. Please do not worry if your computer does not support this.
Have a look at the slides and see if you can learn the song Dig Dig Dig: Dig Dig Dig Slides
Audio Clip 1 – Down Go The Seeds
Audio Clip 2 – Dig Dig Dig
We hope you are well. Have you read any good books recently? If so, we would love to hear about it over email. If you’re looking for something extra to do today, check out this BBC Bitesize video on how to use a question mark. BBC Bitesize – Question Marks
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 1 Team
Summer Term, Week 1, Lesson 4 – Find a half (1)
Today we are going to be carrying on looking at half. Can you tell your grown-up something that you folded or cut into half yesterday? What was our sentence?
‘A half is a whole split into two equal parts.’
Have a watch of the video. What can you spot?
Watch the Summer Term, Week 1, Lesson 4 Video Here – Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Video
When you have watched the video, click here to access the activity: Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Activity
If you would like the answers, they are attached here: Summer Week 1 Lesson 4 Answers
Alternatively, you could follow one of Joe Wicks workout sessions.
When you are finished, talk to someone at home about how your body feels. What do you notice about your:
Mitch the Monkey is a little bit confused about how to be ‘surf safe’ and would like your help today. Can you give Mitch good advice for going online? Use these slides to talk through each of Mitch’s scenarios with someone at home: Scenarios Slides
If you would like to continue your learning, you could write a list of tips for Mitch to help him remember how to stay safe online.